(Scroll down for this text in English)
9 juni 2022 13:15-14:15
Svensk-Polska Handelskammaren, i samarbete med Sveriges ambassad i Polen, Business Sweden, advokatbyrån BSJP, Scandinavian Polish Chamber of Commerce i Warszawa, Rödl & Partner och Polsk-Svenska Handelskammaren i Gdansk, bjuder in till ett webbinarium/seminarium på engelska online och i Stockholm.
Skillnader i bolagsstyrning mellan Polen och Sverige
June 9 2022 13:15-14:15
Swedish-Polish Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm, in cooperation with the Swedish Embassy in Warsaw, Business Sweden, the law firm BSJP, Scandinavian Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, Rödl & Partner, Polish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Gdansk has the pleasure to invite to a webinar/seminar in Stockholm and online.
Corporate Governance – Differences between Poland and Sweden
The Polish corporate law is substantially different from the corporate law in Sweden, which has major practical implications on corporate governance in the respective country as well as on the authority, the competences and the responsibilities of the corporate bodies. The Swedish concepts of ”styrelse” and ”VD” cannot be directly transferred to the Polish business environment. Polish corporations investing in Sweden also discover that Swedish companies are governed in a way which they are not used to. Members in corporate bodies can under certain circumstances incur criminal liability and/or liability for damages. Such risks can, however, be largely reduced by adequate steps.
The main contents of this event are:
types of business entities in Poland and in Sweden
the corporate bodies which govern the companies in the respective country and how they operate
the corporate bodies` responsibilities towards the companies, the owners, creditors and other stakeholders, tax and social security liability and liability relating to insolvency
what kind of decisions can been made by the executive corporate bodies in each country, with or without consent of other corporate bodies and/or the owners
risk reduction by limiting the ability of the executive corporate bodies to make certain kinds of decisions and by control and supervision
case study
Questions and Answers
networking and refreshments
The main speaker Dag Nilsson is a partner and legal counsel at the law firm BSJP in Warsaw. He has through his work in leading law firms in Poland and the U.K. acquired extensive experience and a thorough knowledge of corporate law, commercial and contract law as well as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and company formations. A large number of his clients are corporations and organisations in the Nordic countries and in Poland . He is fluent in Polish, Swedish, English, German, and Italian. Having lived in Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, the U.S. and the U.K., Dag has gained unique insights not only into legal issues but also into cultural differences between different countries.
This free of charge English language event will take place at Torsgatan 21, level 3, conference room Hela Världen. it will also be possible to attend online. A link will be emailed to all participants. Please sign up by email to info@svenskpolska.se. For each participant please provide name, job title and email address. If possible, please state whether the participation is likely to be in person or online. For further information please call +46 709 996 630.