+46 709996630, +46 730477380 info@svenskpolska.se

    Our Statutes

    Please see a translation from Swedish below

    Swedish-POLish Chamber of Commerce

    Our Statutes

    (translation from Swedish)

    § 1

    The Swedish-Polish Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) is a non-profit association with the mission to support the members’ Swedish-Polish business relations as well as to support members who are Polish entrepreneurs with operations in Sweden or Swedish entrepreneurs with operations in Poland.

    § 2

    The Chamber has its seat in Stockholm.

    § 3

    The tasks of the Chamber include to:

    – provide members with information and provide advice and service on issues that are important to their business operations

    – contribute to new and deepened business contacts

    – organize webinars, seminars and other member meetings

    – inform the outside world about the members’ skills, products and business activities

    – protect the members’ interests in the public debate and through contacts with authorities and bodies that are significant for the members’ business operations in Poland and/or Sweden.

    § 4

    Anyone with an interest in business relations with Sweden and/or Poland can apply for membership in the Chamber. Members are accepted by the CEO or by the Presidium. Guidelines for admission of members are established by the Chamber’s Board. Organizations with which cooperation is deemed to have a special strategic importance for the Chamber and its members can be accepted as institutional members. Institutional members have the same rights and obligations as ordinary members, but are exempted from membership fees. The Chamber can also, through its CEO or its Presidium, appoint ex-members of the Board and/or individuals with documented loyalty and interest to promote the Chamber as ambassadors. Ambassadors can be offered membership which is exempted from membership fee.

    § 5

    Membership ends by notice of termination, at the latest during the month of January of the year in which the membership is intended to end. Members who do not fulfill their obligations and, for example, do not pay membership fees or provide incorrect information about their activities to the Chamber or other members may be excluded by decision of the CEO or the Presidium. The Board establishes guidelines for exclusion of members.

    § 6

    The Chamber can use a separate service company for its operations.

    § 7

    The Chamber`s membership fees and service fees to the service company for the subsequent year are determined by the General Meeting of Members.

    § 8

    In cases where the extent of the assistance provided by the Chamber to an individual member significantly exceeds assistance to other members, the Chamber may charge a special fee in agreement with the member. The Chamber can also charge different types of fees and compensation to non-members. 

    § 9

    Members and/or non-members can support the Chamber through contributions and/or sponsorship. The Chamber can, for its part, if the contributor/sponsor so wishes, ensure special visibility for the contributor/sponsor, including on the Chamber’s website, in social media and in connection with events organized by the Chamber.

    § 10

    The Board or the person / persons appointed by the Board have the authority to sign for the Chamber.

    § 11

    The Chamber’s Board is elected by the General Meeting of Members for four years. The Board shall consist of a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 16 members, preferably representing members of the Chamber. A representative of the Polish Embassy in Sweden or the Polish Investment & Trade Agency (PAIH) is a natural member of or co-opted to the Board. Board member can be re-elected. Each year, the Board appoints one Chairman and up to three Vice Chairmen. The Board meets when necessary, at least four times a year. In the event of an equal number of votes within the Board, the Chairman has the casting vote. The Board can appoint committees for handling of specific issues.

    § 12

    The Board appoints the Chamber’s CEO and/or the Chamber’s Presidium. The Presidium’s task is either to support the CEO or, when the Chamber does not have a CEO, to take the responsibility for the Chamber’s operations. The Presidium always consists of the chairman and the vice-chairmen, but can be expanded by a decision of the Board with additional Board members.

    § 13

    The General Meeting of Members takes place, following a decision by the Board, before the end of June. The General Meeting of Members and an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members may be held online, if so decided by The Board or by the Presidium.

    § 14 

    Matters for the General Meeting of Members:– presentation of the Board’s Annual Report– approval of the balance sheet and profit and loss statement– resolution about discharging the Board from liability– election of the Board– election of nomination committee– membership and service fees

    – Other pre-notified matters.

    § 15 

    The General Meeting of Members is chaired by the Chairman of the Board and, in the event of his absence, by a Vice Chairman. When voting, each member has one vote. A member may also exercise another member’s voting rights on the basis of a written power of attorney. Decisions of the General Meeting of Members are taken by open vote and by a simple majority of votes cast by the members present except in cases referred to in § 16. Notice of the General Meeting of Members and an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members shall be sent one month before the meeting. It must contain the agenda including matters to be dealt with by the meeting.

    § 16

    Decisions on amendments to these Statutes or a decision to dissolve the Chamber shall be made by a 2/3 majority of the votes of the members present at the respective meeting during two consecutive meetings with the Chamber.

    Adopted at the General Meeting of Members on May 22, 2023

    The Chairman of the Board of the Chamber Hans-Jacob Bonnier.

    Contact Us

    You are welcome to contact us by sending an email to info@svenskpolska.se as well as by calling Jerry Ralowski, +46 709 996 630 or Hans Forslöf, +46 730 477 380.
